Regular Monthly Meeting 14 January 2025
The meeting of this post was called to order by Commander Kristin Burkart at 1900 hours followed by the appropriate opening ceremonies.
Roll call of officers was taken with 10 present and 2 absent. Quorum of Post officers.
Introduction of Guests: None
The Adjutant presented the minutes of the 10 December 2024 Regular Monthly Meeting. (No Executive Board Meeting in December). There was a motion and second to approve those minutes as presented. The motion was carried.
Legion Notables: NEC and PDC Bob Shappell, PDC and current Adjutant Bob Batty, PDVC and current 1st Vice Commander Jim Lee, Department Chaplain and 2nd District Adjutant/Finance Officer Dennis Jaeger.
1st Vice Jim Lee: Jim reported the Post is currently at 87% toward its membership goal with 80 members who have yet to pay their dues. Those who have not paid, please get your dues in. Eight new members have signed up bringing membership to 287.
2nd Vice Gene Szudrowitz: No report
3rd Vice Jerry Smith: Jerry reported Memorial Day is 131 days away. Anyone interested in participating on the Memorial Day planning committee should see Jerry at the end of the meeting tonight. The first meeting of the planning committee will be scheduled for the end of January.
Finance Officer Dennis Loberger: Dennis reported for the month of December Total Receipts, Disbursements, Total Cash Assets. He also reported on Restricted Funds: Memorial Fund, Post Membership Fund, the Veteran’s Troop Fund and Cash Available Less Restricted Funds. Motion and a second to approve the Finance Report. Motion carried
Bar Report Rick Siefert: For the month of December Rick reported cash income credit card income and total income. Also reported were bills, Post rentals and donations. Motion and a second to approve the Bar report. Motion carried.
Fish Fry Report Bob Batty: Bob reported there will not be a fish fry in January as many fish fry volunteers will be attending the Legion Department Midwinter Conference. Friday, February 21st will be the next Fish Fry and the request for volunteers will go out in a week.
House Report Ed Downey: Absent
Chaplain P.J. Glavey: Donations to the Chaplain’s Bucket (tonight) will go to the Milwaukee Homeless Veterans Initiative (MHVI). The chaplain will be available after the meeting for discussion or prayer.
Service Officer Bob Shappell: Bob reported on Legionnaire training that is being offered to detect and prevent veteran suicides through the Legion’s “Be the One” program. Online training is available, and dates and times may be found on the National Legion’s website or see Bob after the meeting. Bob also spoke on the Legionnaire Insurance Trust or LIT. This is free accidental insurance available to all Legionnaires, but you must sign-up to be covered. Coverage is $5000 if the accident occurs on Legion business (meetings count) and $1000 for all other times. Dues must be current by the end of January, or the insurance will lapse.
Historian John Katzka: In 1784 the Congress of the Confederation of States ratified the Treaty of Paris, signed on September 3, 1783, which would end the Revolutionary War was forwarded to Great Britain for approval. In 1975 the USSR broke the Bilateral Trade Agreement with U.S. and coincidentally John received language training and arrived in Moscow a short time later.
SAL Jerry Gomez: No report.
Other Committees: None
Commander Burkart spoke on her participation with Wreaths Across America on December 14th in conjunction with the Auxiliary. Should the Post wish to participate in this program next year, Wreaths Across America will match whatever the Post spends to purchase wreaths. The commander inquired if the Post would choose to participate again next year. Motion and a second to purchase wreaths in an amount not to exceed $1,000. Motion carried.
Commander read a thank you card from the Saler Family which included a $50 donation for Military Funeral Honors rendered by the Post.
The Metro Milwaukee Military Historians Club’s next meeting on January 20th will be Honoring Our Female Armed Forces Veterans. Four female veterans will speak, and our very own Commander Kristin Burkart will be one of them. If interested in attending you must have a reservation and that reservation must be in by Thursday, January 16th. Cost is $25 for dinner and program or $10 for just the program. Pay at the door.
The Society of FBI Alumni Wisconsin Chapter donated $50 in the memory of Air Force veteran Frank Magestro, a former employee of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Milwaukee Homeless Veterans Initiative sent a thank you letter to the Post for our donation of $980.
The Post received holiday greetings from Birchwood Snow & Landscape Contractors, Gentian Financial Inc., and American Huey 369 Inc.
The Post received a $100 donation from Gary and Susan Lange recognizing the Post’s work for veterans and the community.
Kathleen Monroe donated $200 to the Post in memory of Bill Helm. In addition, a total of $400 was donated to the Post by various individuals in Bill’s memory.
Sara Sheeve donated $100 to the Post in memory of Roverto Leon.
Finance Officer – Bills to be paid? Finance Officer Dennis Loberger read the bills totaling $3,008.97. Motion and a second to pay all the Bills. Motion carried.
Commander talked about New Ideas that would involve the Post with younger veterans and their families in the community and asked for suggestions from members. TSU using the Post was mentioned.
New members present at the meeting were recognized; Brandon Bouhaus and Tom Swister. Also recognized was new SAL member Todd Filter.
Next Fish Fry Friday, February 21st. Volunteers needed.
Veteran’s Thursday Coffee at Jim’s Grille 10 a.m.
Four Chaplain’s Dinner Feb. 1st at Post 288, 5 p.m. cocktails, dinner 6 p.m. Sign-up sheet at the podium. The Post will pay the cost of the dinner for all members and their guests.
Commander Burkart asked the assembled members if anyone had suggestions for Post 288 Legionnaire of the Year. She would welcome help in selecting a worthy member.
Commander Burkart spoke on her presentation at the last Rotary Meeting. She spoke about the Legion and its significance to area veterans and the community.
Dennis Jaeger mentioned that the Lions Club Iceberg Open is upcoming, and the Post always sponsors a hole. He asked if the Post would again consider a $150 donation. Motion and a second to donate $150 to the Lions Club Iceberg Open. Motion carried.
NEC/PDC Bob Shappell reported the Wisconsin American Legion College will hold free classes on a variety of topics throughout the month of March. He encouraged all those who might be interested in learning more about the Legion to sign-up for the classes.
John Haen
Todd Filter
There being no further business the meeting ended with the appropriate closing ceremonies and was adjourned at 1946 hours.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert Batty, PDC
Peter Wollner Post 288
Department of Wisconsin